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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Writing Prompt-and-Share #23

Prompt-and-Share Uhh... happy Monday? Hmm... that just doesn't sound right. Ok the Prompt-and-Share today is going to be a little plot driven and character driven. It's the beginning of a new week after all, let's start it off by putting some good use to our writing tool belt. Each of us, and our characters, have specific traits - either we're mean or nice, cruel or passionate, sarcastic or boring, happy or brooding - regardless of what traits stand out the most, we have these traits, and something (and sometimes a group of things) make us who we are.
Pick a specific trait you recognize in yourself or one of your characters and write the story of which particular event influenced that trait the most in you or your character. Tough one right? GOOD! 700 word limit - I want to see the conflict AND the resolution clearly in this story - even if the resolution is that nothing was resolved. POV and tense is your choice completely.
Good luck, I expect there to be some very interesting reading material conjured up from this one.

My Submission:
This character, though much older now, is from my novel:

Jessica sat quietly coloring pictures on the dinning room floor. Her cousin Remi and his buddies started hooting and hollering at the TV from the orange tweed couch in the living room. Somewhere inside her, she knew they’d forgotten she was there.

She crawled around the corner of the couch very quietly and peeked to see what all of the noise was about. Women, beautiful half-naked women. They strutted with grace and ease across the screen. Jessica was mesmerized.

“Look at those legs” one man panted.

“Those tits baby, it’s the tits! Look at ‘em bounce!” Another man exclaimed before he made a motor boat sound with his mouth.

More women, one after the other, displayed their beauty across the screen.

“It’s the heels boys, look at what they do to the calves, makes that ass just pop!”

“Yeah man, I’d pop that ass!” Laughter and friendly shoulder slaps ensued.

Jessica leaned a little bit more into view, she watched the men intently. Their sweaty red faces were all focused on the TV and they sat at the edge of their seats. She watched as Remi, who was the handsomest man she had ever seen, licked his lips and tapped his thumb rhythmically on his knee. How she wished that a boy would look at her that way.

The comments continued, their attention captivated by the vixens. She watched silently taking in every ounce of detail. The long thick hair, the long slim legs, the long stemmed heels… everything on these women were so long. She looked down at her own budding breasts and willed them to get bigger and fuller.

Jessica noticed the men didn’t get up for fresh beers. They didn’t get up to go to the bathroom. They didn’t get up at all. They just watched and laughed loudly whenever one of them would comment on the beauties swaying across the screen.

She sneaked away with care, climbed up the stairs and went into her aunt’s closet. She grabbed the highest heeled shoes she could find, which weren’t nearly as long as the ones the women on TV wore, and slid into them. They were roomy, but she felt instantly like a young woman of style. She hobbled over to the make-up opened on Aunt Nan’s dresser and began applying it. Jessica learned a lot that day, some things she couldn’t even put her finger on. Somewhere deep inside she knew, beautiful women were powerful women, and she wanted to be one.

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