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Monday, October 3, 2011

Writing Prompt-and-Share #32

Prompt-and-Share TGIF all! Today's prompt is inspired but a suggesting from +Adam Boenig . Though Fridays are busy for Adam (check out his picture prompt) I still expect him to set the example but giving us an awesome piece. (How's that for passive aggressive persuasion? :P )
So the prompt today - Pick an object, any object. Imagine it has all of the senses a human would normally would have. (sense of smell, taste, sight... etc...) and write a scene from the objects Point-of-view.
For those of you who are veterans of the Prompt-and-Share, try to include the skills we discussed on "sense of time" and "sense of space" - just for kicks.
It's the weekend, so have some fun with this - the object can be as wild and crazy as you like. I do not believe I've got anyone on here under 18, so feel free to be crass and crude and vulgar. OR, hmm... I suppose AND/OR celebrate Friday's diety and planet: Venus. Give us something loving and beautiful.
500 word limit

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